Andrew Ronaghan

In the matter of Part 6 of the Pharmacy Act 2007

Mr Andrew Ronaghan, (Reg No 8101)

Following a hearing of the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) into a complaint made against Mr. Andrew Ronaghan, MPSI (Reg. No 8101), the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (the “Council”) considered the report of the PCC on 14 December 2023 and decided to suspend Mr Ronaghan’s registration for a period of two months pursuant to section 48(b)(iii) of the Pharmacy Act 2007 (the “Act”). The Council’s decision was subsequently confirmed by the High Court on 26 February 2024. 

Under section 57(1)(c) of the Act, the Council is obliged to give public notice of the sanction of suspension of a registrant’s registration. 

Effective Date of Decision: 6 May 2024