In the matter of Part 6 of the Pharmacy Act

Colin Lannon (MPSI 8998)

On 25 June 2021, the Council considered an Inquiry report of the PCC of a complaint made against Colin Lannon. The Council decided to suspend Colin Lannon for a period of two months. It also decided to attach conditions to his registration for a period of 9 months. Mr Lannon appealed this decision to the High Court however it confirmed the Council’s decision by Order made on 14 March 2022. Under section 57 of the Pharmacy Act 2007 the Council of the PSI decided to give public notice of the suspension and attachment of conditions to Mr. Lannon’s registration and to publish the judgment and Order of the High Court. The judgment can be accessed here and the conditions are set out below.

Mr Lannon’s suspension took effect from 3 April 2022 and expired on 2 June 2022. In accordance with the PSI’s Publication & Disclosure Policy 2022, public notice of the suspension will remain on the PSI website for a further 5 years from the date of the expiry of the suspension period. The conditions have expired. However, in accordance with the PSI’s Publication & Disclosure Policy 2022, public notice of the conditions, once expired, will remain on the PSI website for a further 2 years from the date of the expiry the conditions.

The conditions formerly attached to the registration of Mr Colin Lannon, MPSI are as follows:

  1. He shall not act as a Superintendent Pharmacist and/or Supervising Pharmacist and/or sole practitioner for a period of 9 months commencing from the date upon which he returns to practise after the suspension expires.
  2. During the 9-month period referred to in (1) above, he is prohibited from practising other than under the supervision of an independent, senior and experienced registered Pharmacist, who is acceptable to the Registrar of the PSI. The Council may extend this period of 9 months for such further period of time that it considers appropriate, upon consideration by the Council of the views of the Registrant and the report of the appointed Supervising Pharmacist to the meeting of the Council to be held before the expiry of the 9 month period.
  3. During the said period of 9 months referred to in (1) and (2) above, he must not work as a locum or undertake any work where he is the sole Pharmacist on duty in a pharmacy unless approved by the appointed Pharmacist, referred to in (2) above, and with the prior agreement of the Registrar. 
  4. He will discharge all costs associated with these requirements.

Date of Notice: 31 August 2023