In the matter of Part 6 of the Pharamcy Act 2007

Complainant: The Registrar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (“PSI”)


Respondent: Redika Nair, MPSI (Registration No.6898)

Following a hearing of the Health Committee into a complaint made against Ms. Redika Nair MPSI (Registration No. 6898), the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland considered the report of the Health Committee on 22 June 2023, and decided to cancel Ms. Nair’s registration pursuant to section 48(1)(b)(iv) of the Pharmacy Act 2007 (the “Act”). The decision of the Council was subsequently confirmed by Order of the High Court dated 06 October 2023. 

Under section 57(1)(a) of the Act, the Council is obliged to give public notice of the sanction of cancellation. 

Effective Date of Decision: 06 October 2023