Roger Cracknell

In the matter of Part 6 of the Pharmacy Act 2007

Complainant: The Registrar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (“PSI”)


Respondent: Mr Roger Cracknell, (Reg No 10682)

Following a hearing of the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) into a complaint made against Roger Cracknell, MPSI (Reg. No 10682), the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (the “Council”) considered the report of the PCC on 23 November 2023 and decided to suspend Mr Cracknell’s registration for a period of three months pursuant to section 48(b)(iii) of the Pharmacy Act 2007 (the “Act”) and to impose conditions pursuant to section 48(b)(ii) of the Act, to Mr Cracknell’s registration. The Council also decided to publish the report of the PCC in accordance with the provisions of Section 57(2) of the Act. The Council’s decision was subsequently confirmed by the High Court on 12 February 2024. The conditions are outlined below.

View the report of the Professional Conduct Committee here.

Conditions attached to the registration of Mr Roger Cracknell, Reg No. 10682

  1. On expiry of the said period of suspension, the Registrant shall not return to practice as a pharmacist in any capacity until he has submitted to the Registrar of the PSI extracts from his e-portfolio, sufficient to meet the standards set out within the 2023/24 eportfolio review standards published by the IIOP, which eportfolio extracts, shall, on receipt, be reviewed as soon as practicable by a nominee appointed by the Registrar of the PSI (either internal or external).
  2. The nominee of the Registrar shall prepare a report to the Council confirming whether the extracts submitted by the Registrant meet the standards. Council shall, following consideration of the report of the nominee, confirm whether it is satisfied that the within condition has been complied with.
  3. Any costs involved in compliance with this condition shall be borne by the Registrant.
  4. In addition to the above, the Registrant shall comply with the statutory CPD requirements. The review provided for above will not negate the eportfolio statutory requirements for 2024/25.

Effective Date of Decision: 1 April 2024