CPD for Pharmaceutical Assistants

Development of a Continuing Professional Development Model for Pharmaceutical Assistants  



The requirement for the PSI to ensure that registered pharmaceutical assistants are undertaking appropriate CPD is set out in the Regulated Professions Health and Social Care Amendment Act 2020. 

Report to Support the Development of a CPD Model for Pharmaceutical Assistants 

To assist us in identifying an appropriate model of CPD for pharmaceutical assistants, we sought external expertise through a procurement process. Subsequently, the tender was awarded to Mazars Consulting. Mazars undertook extensive desk-based research and engagement with national and international stakeholders and provided their ‘Report to Support the Development of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Model for Pharmaceutical Assistants’ to the PSI Council. This report was approved by the PSI Council at its meeting on 22 June 2023. 

Progress to date  

Following on from the recommendations in this report, we have commenced work on the development and implementation of the CPD model. 

This work, along with engagement with the Pharmaceutical Assistants Association (PAA) and registered pharmaceutical assistants will continue in 2025 as the model is developed and implemented in preparation for commencement of the Regulated Professions Health and Social Care Amendment Act 2020. 

Any queries on the report can be directed to our Professional Standards team by email to andrea.boland@psi.ie