The PSI welcomes Government approval for expanded pharmacist role and prescribing in Ireland

This amendment will make provision in primary legislation for the further expansion of the role of pharmacists by providing for the introduction of pharmacist prescribing. The development aligns with the work underway by the Expert Taskforce* to support the expansion of the role of pharmacists in Ireland. The first recommendation of the Taskforce, to empower pharmacists to extend the validity of prescriptions from six to 12 months, was implemented on 1 March.
“We welcome the announcement by Minister Donnelly TD, which demonstrates the commitment to ensuring that pharmacists can make an enhanced contribution to the delivery of healthcare to the benefit of patients and the public, as part of the integrated health system envisioned under Sláintecare.”
“This latest development is the first step in a multi-step process, both building on and aligning with the work underway by the Expert Taskforce. It represents an important staging point in the context of progressing the current and future recommendations from the Expert Taskforce and is a significant and positive development overall."
As the regulatory body charged with protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public by regulating pharmacists and pharmacies, the PSI’s focus will remain on ensuring the necessary training, education, accreditation, and regulatory supports are in place for the profession on its pathway to realising an enhanced role and scope of practice.